Bryce E. Rich fides quaerens intellectum

Occasional Posts

Are We All Female Now?


A meme floating around social media in response to a day-one executive order from the second Trump administration claims that “All embryos begin by developing female sex organs, with male sex organs only replacing them around 6 weeks of gestation.” From X, Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) Based on this understanding of development, the meme claims, “Under Trump’s executive order, every single person...

Transgender Experience and the Theological Limits of “Gnosticism”


In a recent essay published in The Wheel, Dr. Katherine Kelaidis compares contemporary understandings of transgender experience with the specter of “Gnosticism,” an early heresy that takes its name from the Greek word gnōsis, meaning “knowledge.” While a full response to this essay goes beyond the scope of a Public Orthodoxy blog post, I wish to explore the author’s charge of “reborn heresy.”

Erratum for “Something New Under the Sun”


The following errors have been reported for my essay "Something New Under the Sun: Sexualities, Same-Sex Relationships, and Orthodoxy" in the edited volume Orthodox Tradition and Human Sexuality. Readers wishing to report an error may do so through the Contact page.

Bryce E. Rich fides quaerens intellectum

