In God Without Being, Jean-Luc Marion explores the Eucharistic event as the scene of inbreaking of God's unconditional gift to humanity – a theological site where sign, locutor, and referent all converge in the person of Jesus Christ, the living Word.[1] However, along with the gift Marion includes a conditional that keeps on giving: the bishop as mediator of Christ, or put another way, a human...
Difference & Identity – a class discussion
In Being Human, a course on theological anthropology, I had to present some observations on the second half of Ian McFarland's Difference & Identity: A Theological Anthropology[1] and lead a class discussion. What follows is the written presentation and the questions I used to start the class discussion.
Tertullian on The Incarnation
A discussion of Tertullian's incarnational theology as expressed in On the Flesh of Christ.
Russian Orthodox & Queer
My hat is off to Victor de Villa Lapidis for his letter, sharing some of the trials of being gay and Orthodox while also fanning the embers of hope through the remembering of Russia's queer* Orthodox sons: Soloviev, Gogol, Brianchaninov, Leontiev, Tchaikovsky, Florensky...
Gregory of Nyssa and Greco-Roman Philosophy
A short essay on Gregory of Nyssa's The Life of Moses.
Queer theology at the crossroads?
Keeping with yesterday's post, here's another excerpt from my candidate statement...
Eastern Orthodoxy + queer theology?
An excerpt from the candidate statement I submitted to get into grad school. How can queer theology be informed by Eastern Orthodoxy?
Hello world!
Hello! As I start my PhD I'm starting a new professional website to post on my progress...
Eucharist, Private Prayer, and Positive Mimesis in the Thought of James Alison
Through withdrawal from the system that runs us and tells us who we are, we create the opportunity for the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit to speak within us, presenting us with a new identity.
Male & Female Created He Them…
Against this backdrop the priests of the Jewish Temple were inspired to write down a new narrative: a subversive narrative, a narrative that would stand in quiet but bold opposition to this savage Marduk and the gods over whom he reigned – a narrative that would defy the dominant story of the Babylonians and their might; a narrative in which humans are not slaves, but instead are created in the...