Bryce E. Rich fides quaerens intellectum

Occasional Posts

“There is Nothing Outside of the Text”


il n'ya a pas de hors texte…[1] Summarizing Derrida's deconstructive project would be a colossal task.  Because of its very nature, there is no short, clear exposition of deconstruction.  However, for our purposes we will focus on only a couple of its concepts, gleaning insights from a few key texts.  The first of these, perhaps the most famous axiom of postmodern thought:  there is nothing...

Celebrating the Eucharist – Introduction


In God Without Being, Jean-Luc Marion explores the Eucharistic event as the scene of inbreaking of God's unconditional gift to humanity – a theological site where sign, locutor, and referent all converge in the person of Jesus Christ, the living Word.[1] However, along with the gift Marion includes a conditional that keeps on giving: the bishop as mediator of Christ, or put another way, a human...

Russian Orthodox & Queer


My hat is off to Victor de Villa Lapidis for his letter, sharing some of the trials of being gay and Orthodox while also fanning the embers of hope through the remembering of Russia's queer* Orthodox sons: Soloviev, Gogol, Brianchaninov, Leontiev, Tchaikovsky, Florensky...

Bryce E. Rich fides quaerens intellectum

